内科医学 治疗及服务

We provide a wide variety of health care services including:

  • Acute injury and illness care
  • Complete care for chronic health concerns (such as diabetes and heart disease)
  • 妇科护理
  • 免疫接种
  • On-site radiology and laboratory services
  • Physical exams (including DOT exams)
  • 术前评估
  • 处方管理


Normal lab and X-ray results

You will be notified of normal lab and X-ray results by mail within 2 weeks. Please do not call the lab for results.

Abnormal lab and X-ray results

Your health care provider or their designated nurse will contact you by phone as soon as possible if there is an abnormal result on your tests that requires immediate attention.



It is important that your health care team knows about any medications you take. 这包括:

  • 处方药
  • Over-the-counter medicines
  • Dietary supplements, such as vitamins and herbs

Your family doctor (primary care physician, or PCP) must also know about any allergies and adverse reactions you've had to medicines.

Questions to ask your provider

When a medication is prescribed for you, we encourage you to ask the following questions:

  • 这药是什么药?
  • How should I take it and for how long?
  • What side effects are likely?
  • What do I do if I have any side effects?
  • Is this medicine safe to take with other medicines or dietary supplements?
  • What food, drink, or activities should I avoid while I'm using this medicine?

Questions to ask your pharmacist

When you pick up your medication, ask your pharmacist:

  • To confirm that this is the medicine your doctor prescribed
  • For advice about the best device for measuring your liquid medicine. Special devices such as marked syringes can help you measure the right dose.
  • For written information about the side effects your medicine can cause. This will help you be prepared, and let you know ahead of time if any side effects require medical attention.

Renewing your prescriptions

The process for renewing your prescriptions depends on the location of your primary care office:

  • 贝德福德: At the time of your office visit, please ask your health care provider to renew your prescriptions. Please allow 48 hours for your prescription to be processed.
  • 康科德: 联系 the 协和内科 office.
  • 基恩打电话给你的 家庭医学 or 儿科 team and listen for the prescription renewal option.
  • 黎巴嫩: 联系 your pharmacy directly for all renewals or refills. They will send a request to 内科医学 electronically.
  • 曼彻斯特: Call the 曼彻斯特 内科医学 office and follow the phone menu instructions for prescription renewal.
  • 纳舒厄: Call the 纳舒厄内科 office.

For office phone numbers, see 任命 and Referrals.


Some health insurance policies require that you consult your primary care provider, (PCP), before you visit a specialist. Your PCP must authorize the visit. 这叫做 推荐.

If you need to see a specialist for a health condition that is not treated by 内科医学:

  1. Call the number on the back of your insurance card. Your insurance company will tell you if your PCP must authorize the visit to the specialist.
  2. 如果你需要推荐 contact your doctor's office.The office will notify you if your PCP needs to see you before he or she can authorize the 推荐.

请注意: A 推荐 from your PCP does not guarantee that your health insurance company will pay for your visit to the specialist.