“A true hero among us”: 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 cardiology fellow honored for saving life of 男人。 who crashed vehicle during cardiac arrest

是以年代. 阿里博士, and Officer Eric Hunter hold awards and stand on either side of 戴恩特里.
从左起,是以年代. 阿里博士, 戴恩特里, and Lebanon Police Officer Eric Hunter.

I feel really grateful for the outcome of what happened and that I was able to do that for Terry. This is what I trained for as a cardiologist, but anyone can save a life by learning CPR.

是以年代. 阿里博士

约350,000 Americans suffer cardiac arrest outside a hospital annually, 根据美国心脏协会. The prognosis for these people is grim: only about 10 percent survive the event. 但对于一个人来说,恩菲尔德, NH, 男人。, what could have been the last day of his life happened in the right place at the right time.

2月10日, 2023, 戴恩特里, 69, was driving on Interstate 89 in Lebanon when he went into cardiac arrest. He lost control of his vehicle and went off the highway. Little did he know that driving not far behind was 是以年代. 阿里博士, a cardiology fellow at 十大博彩推荐排名卫生’s 心脏和血管 Center at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC).

当艾莉开车靠近现场时, she observed another driver had pulled off and appeared to be performing CPR on Dion. She pulled over and noticed that the Good Samaritan’s chest compressions were too shallow. She explained she was a cardiologist in training and took over CPR. 其他驾车者开始停下车来帮忙, including one who had a portable automated external defibrillator (AED) in their vehicle, which 阿里 was able to defibrillate Dion with.

EMTs arrived shortly after and took Dion to DHMC—where 阿里 would see him again later that day in the cardiac catheterization laboratory and assisted in deploying a stent to open up a blocked artery in Dion’s heart. 多亏了阿里的英勇行为, performing CPR and AED long enough to keep Dion alive, he survived and is expected to make a full recovery.

“I feel really grateful for the outcome of what happened and that I was able to do that for Terry,阿里说. “This is what I trained for as a cardiologist, but anyone can save a life by learning CPR.”

在周四由DHMC主办的仪式上, 6月1日, 阿里 was presented an award by the Lebanon Fire Department for her lifesaving actions, 谁说她是“我们当中真正的英雄”.”

不仅是奥巴马博士. 阿里 committed her life to improving the lives of people every day through her work as a cardiologist, she has contributed to saving a life on her own personal time,消防队长吉姆·惠特利说. Wheatley also presented an award to Lebanon Police Officer Eric Hunter, 是谁在现场协助艾莉的.

The award ceremony coincided with the kickoff of National CPR and AED Awareness Week, a nationwide effort to encourage people from all walks of life to learn CPR and how to use an AED, and improve the odds for people who suffer cardiac arrest outside a hospital.

“我们为他感到无比自豪. 她的英勇行为挽救了阿里先生的生命. 迪翁的生命,”大卫·B·布朗说. Min, MD, section chief of cardiology at the 心脏和血管 Center. “在心脏和血管中心, we train fellows to be of service to people in need inside our hospital and out in the world, 她就是这么做的吗. But this is also an important reminder that you don’t need to be a cardiologist to learn CPR. Anyone can be equipped with this lifesaving skill.”


十大博彩推荐排名卫生, New Hampshire's only academic health system and the state's largest private employer, 为新英格兰北部的病人提供服务. 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 provides access to more than 2,000 providers in almost every area of medicine, 在其旗舰医院提供医疗服务, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon, NH, as well as across its wide network of hospitals, 诊所及护理设施. DHMC is consistently named the #1 hospital in New Hampshire by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, and recognized for high perfor男人。ce in numerous clinical specialties and procedures. 十大博彩推荐排名健康中心包括 十大博彩推荐排名癌症中心, one of only 56 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the nation, and the only such center in northern New England; 十大博彩推荐排名健康儿童医院, which includes Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, 该州唯一的儿童医院, and multiple clinic locations around the region; member hospitals in Lebanon, 基恩和新伦敦, NH, 本宁顿和温莎, VT; Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire; and more than 24 clinics that provide ambulatory services across New Hampshire and Vermont. Through its historical partnership with Dartmouth and the 盖泽尔医学院, 十大博彩推荐排名卫生 trains nearly 400 medical residents and fellows annually, and performs cutting-edge research and clinical trials recognized across the globe with Geisel and the 白河枢纽退伍军人医疗中心 在佛蒙特州的白河枢纽. 十大博彩推荐排名健康中心,超过13个,000 employees are deeply committed to serving the healthcare needs of everyone in our communities, and to providing each of our patients with exceptional, 个人护理.