十大博彩推荐排名健康中心与曼彻斯特消防局合作, 安森蓝十字和蓝盾为消防员提供挽救生命的癌症筛查

Photo from press conference.
From left, Brian Ryll, president, Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire; Brian Paquette, president, Manchester Professional Firefighters Association; Chief Ryan Cashin; Mayor Joyce Craig; Todd A. Noce, DO; and Maria Proulx, president, Anthem NH.


Todd A. Noce, DO

消防队员是有奉献精神的公务员,为了维护社区安全,他们心甘情愿地选择进入一项冒着生命危险的职业. 除了他们日常工作的直接危险之外, 消防员患多种癌症的风险较高, resulting from burns, inhalation of smoke and fumes, 以及接触到灭火材料中的化学物质.

In some states, 建议消防员对各种癌症进行特定的筛查,以提供早期发现的最佳机会. 然而,新罕布什尔州并没有这些建议. Dartmouth Health announced at a news event on Monday, May 8, 在东工业园区路的曼彻斯特消防8号站与 Manchester Fire Department and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield 在新罕布什尔州对合格的现役消防员进行癌症筛查. 该试点项目将首先筛查皮肤癌和肺癌, two of the most common among firefighters, 并最终将扩大到为消防员经常面临的其他癌症提供筛查.

十大博彩推荐排名健康中心很自豪能与曼彻斯特市和Anthem合作,为曼彻斯特消防局的现役消防员提供癌症筛查," said Todd A. 诺斯博士是十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克诊所南部地区放射学区域医疗主任. “我们的部分使命是在医院和诊所的围墙之外照顾病人和社区. 我们感谢当地的消防队员,他们在我们最脆弱的时候帮助我们,我们期待着在未来的许多年里保持他们的健康."

Statewide, 目前大约有200名花岗岩州立消防员有资格进行癌症筛查,另有100名退休人员也有资格进行癌症筛查. 这一合作的目的是鼓励新罕布什尔州的其他消防部门效仿曼彻斯特的模式, 并最终促使州一级对现役消防员进行癌症筛查的要求.

“这次合作将为曼彻斯特消防局的每一位成员进行皮肤病学筛查,并为40岁以上、服务10年的成员进行肺部CT检查。," said Chief Ryan J. Cashin of the Manchester Fire Department. 不幸的是,75%的消防员死于职业癌症. 我们曼彻斯特消防局希望,这项医疗保健倡议将使我们成为这一规则的例外. As we all know, early cancer screenings save lives. 而消防员的工作是冲进燃烧的建筑物去拯救生命, 火灾扑灭后,我们的工作就是挽救他们的生命. 我的意图是,这个试点项目将成为在整个新罕布什尔州发展早期癌症筛查项目的第一步."

“圣歌蓝十字和蓝盾很荣幸能与十大博彩推荐排名健康中心和曼彻斯特市合作,推出这一试点项目,以促进曼彻斯特消防员的早期癌症筛查. Our firefighters are heroes who are always there for us, which is why it is critical we are there for them," said Maria Proulx, 新罕布什尔州安森蓝十字和蓝盾的总裁. “Anthem多年来一直为该市的员工提供高质量的医疗服务,我们很高兴能够与他们密切合作,共同改善为我们城市服务的人们的健康状况."

About Dartmouth Health

Dartmouth Health, 新罕布什尔州唯一的学术医疗系统和该州最大的私人雇主, serves patients across northern New England. Dartmouth Health provides access to more than 2,000 providers in almost every area of medicine, delivering care at its flagship hospital, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon, NH, as well as across its wide network of hospitals, clinics and care facilities. DHMC一直被评为新罕布什尔州排名第一的医院 U.S. News & World Report在许多临床专业和程序中表现优异. Dartmouth Health includes Dartmouth Cancer Center, 是全国仅有的56个国家癌症研究所指定的综合癌症中心之一, and the only such center in northern New England; Dartmouth Health Children’s, 包括十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心的儿童医院, the state’s only children’s hospital, and multiple clinic locations around the region; member hospitals in Lebanon, Keene and New London, NH, and Bennington and Windsor, VT; 佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州的探访护士和临终关怀医院; and more than 24 clinics that provide ambulatory services across New Hampshire and Vermont. 通过与十大博彩推荐排名学院和 Geisel School of Medicine, 十大博彩推荐排名健康中心每年培训近400名住院医师和研究员, 并与Geisel和the medical进行全球公认的前沿研究和临床试验 White River Junction VA Medical Center in White River Junction, VT. Dartmouth Health and its more than 13,000名员工坚定地致力于服务于我们社区中每个人的医疗保健需求, and to providing each of our patients with exceptional, personal care.